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3 ways to land a job as an esthetician

3 ways to land a job as an esthetician

There are so many important elements we need as estheticians. Schooling, people skills, product knowledge, continued education, sanitation and experience, but today I wanted to talk about landing a job as an esthetician and a few ways to set yourself up for success. 


You need experience to get a job as an esthetician, but how do you get a job without experience, right? Here are 3 ways to land a job, no matter what level you are at. This applies to aspiring estheticians all the way to someone with 10+ years of experience.


A good resume is key, especially these days when so much of hiring is done over the internet. Your resume should be HONEST, clear, easy to read, and targeted towards the actual job you are looking for. Let’s start with honesty, I'm going to give it to you straight - from my experience with hiring and firing over the past decade. Sometimes we stretch the truth, especially because we WANT the job and I have to say, from esthetician to esthetician, do not stretch it, do not overextend what you are actually capable of doing. Because if I hire you and you can’t follow through we might have a problem. See what I am saying here? This doesn't mean don't pimp yourself out on your resume and share all your amazing skills - you should. But don’t tell me you have a full clientele or a master of chemicals peels when you aren’t. But! I'm going to flip if for you like I always do. The more honest you can be from the beginning, the more success you will have in your job and career, and many times businesses (including myself) love NEW estheticians and we don’t expect you to know everything. So, be clear and straightforward with your objective (what job you want and why), share RELATED skills and personal attributes that also would apply to the job you are specifically applying for. Meaning you might need to change your resume for each individual job you are applying for. You wouldn’t send the same resume for a position as a receptionist, as you would an esthetician because they are different jobs with different skills. Last but not least, do your research and don't just apply, to apply. Remember this is your job and you should enjoy it and align with the company you are applying for.


Show up

Now that you have perfected your resume, sent it out and nailed an interview, congratulations!! It’s time to show up. It’s time to put on a professional outfit. Think of your interview as a first date. This is the first impression you’ll make when you walk through the door. I always like, all black with a blazer, closed toe shoes, hair and make up done (but not over done) and printed resume in hand. Show up early, educate yourself on the business ahead of time and be yourself. Don’t give answers that you think the potential employer wants to hear, give them your honest answers. This helped me land every job I have ever had, not just because I had ALL the experience or the perfect resume but because I showed up ready to work + learn. Share what value you can bring to their business, but don’t overshare (we don’t need to know about your break up).


Follow through 

Follow up and through. Follow up after your interview with a thank you email the following day. Something simple, “It was a pleasure meeting you and seeing your beautiful space. I appreciate the opportunity…” etc. Then, when you do land the job is where the REAL work starts. Follow through on what your resume said. Be the hard worker you said you were, be the asset to the business that you know you can be. Be ready (and patient) to learn and grow and most importantly, as always have fun!



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