End of Year (Esthetician) Check List

It's that timmmmmmeeeeeee! The year is coming to an end but if you know me, I am already prepping for 2023 and you should be too! Especially if you work for yourself or own a biz.
Here are a few end of year things you should do EVERY year.
Trust me, I know this is the last thing you want to think about or spend money on but it is so important to be covered. More on that HERE. Get your esty insurance now so you wont have to worry or think about it again until next year. I love ASCP Insurance, not only because it's great coverage at an even better price but because of all the other AMAZING things that come with it. Like a quarterly magazine, free webinars, discounts and more! Get all the deets on the benefits HERE along with $20 off!
+Save money
This is the Holiday Esty Rush! Meaning, you are probably going to make a lil extra cash $ this time of year. But, don't forget to put some aside for taxes- ew I know. Seriously, it's better to prepare ahead of time. Don't forget, some extra $$$ to stock up on supplies for 2023.
+Order supplies on sale
Speaking of supplies... this is the best time of year to stock up on tools, supplies and event equipment. Just like you are running holiday sales, suppliers are too. You probably have an idea of how much inventory you need, so stock up for the year, we know you have that extra cash, so invest back into yourself and your business.
+Send Holiday Cards
Hailey and I write a list every year of people we want to send our holiday card. Business relationships, clients, the mail man, everyone really! Now is the time to either make a custom card, we love Vista Print for that, or just grab something generic from the store and write a thoughtful note. Your clients are going to love this sweet thought. You can mail it to them or if you want to save the stamp, leave it on the treatment bed at the beginning of their next appointment.
Don't put too much pressure on yourself to get it all done. We are just here for some ideas and ways to help make your life run more smoothly!
Xo Kasey