Three Things To Do When a Client Cancels or, WORSE, the infamous “No Show”

Of course, the natural reaction is to panic or dwell on missed opportunities, but in my experience, don’t stress because life happens! While cancellations and no shows can be totally annoying, you can’t focus your energy on things you can’t control.
Here are some things you CAN control and what CAN be a great use of your now open schedule.
Clean Your Treatment Room
You may clean your room every day, but I promise you, you will ALWAYS find something to clean. Give it a deep clean, seriously - get in those nooks and crannies – you won’t regret it. Also, you know we love a revamp. Spruce up your treatment room by rearranging furniture and brainstorm new ways to add to the aesthetic! There is nothing better than refreshing your space, and clients will notice and appreciate the changes.

Write “Thank You” Cards
Writing “thank you” cards can be so time consuming, but I find that it is one of the best ways to show your appreciation to your clients. In fact, it may even prevent future cancellations and “no shows” because of the level of respect built between you and your clients just by these small acts of appreciation. But, again, since I know how agonizing writing cards can be, Hailey and I have eased the process for you! Check out our Glow Standard Thank You Cards, they are the perfect spa neutral and your clients are going to love receiving them in the mail.
Create Social Media Content
You all know by now how important and impactful social media is. But I also understand the thought, planning and time it takes to create content. You have to constantly put yourself out there and develop new ways to get the same message across. THAT can be hard and scary. But, over time, building content, and repeat content at that, will result in new clients and ultimately building your brand and business. Don’t believe me? If you have been on this journey with me for a while, YOU KNOW how Glow started and where it is now!
If you can take one thing from this blog, just remember… cancellations and no shows happen and you can’t control it! So, don’t dwell! Fill that new found free time by taking action! Your clean room, written thank you card and new content are just a few ways to use your time. These are just a few ideas that can only help you better yourself and your business!