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The Treatment Bed That Changed My Treatment Room

The Treatment Bed That Changed My Treatment Room

Change your treatment bed, change your life! 

Don’t underestimate the power of a good facial bed. It’s truly what sets the tone for your client the moment they walk through the doors and it’s what creates the entire facial experience. 

If you’re on the hunt for the best treatment bed, look no further. I’m dropping all of the details in today’s blog about the treatment bed that changed my treatment room! 

Meet Milo Electric AKA one of the best treatment bed that’s ever stepped foot into my treatment room.

One of my goals in 2020 was to upgrade my spa and be able to get all new electric facial beds! But then… Covid-19 hit. I let go about 95% of my spa business and started focusing on other things, so that plan was brought to a halt. NOW, as I’m still doing some facials and I decided it was time for an upgrade because you know, I work hard. Nothing wrong with a little reward every now and then. ;) 

That’s when I met Milo ElectricLet’s dive into a few of the incredible benefits this treatment bed has to offer and why you need to pick up one for yourself today: 

It has an electric height, backrest, AND leg rest adjustment. 

This is KEY! Whatever treatment bed you opt for in your treatment room (which I hope will be this one after you finish the blog) needs to offer out-of-this-world comfort for your clients. Comfort is non-negotiable and what better way to guarantee that than with adjustable features like this? 

It has a manual removable face cradle and armrests.

This is a great feature to have in a treatment bed, the more adjustments and customizations you can make to fit the client and the treatment they’re being given, the better!

No need to worry about this treatment bed taking up space! 

Of course, you want to avoid big and bulky treatment beds that take up your entire treatment room, and the Milo is the perfect solution. This bed doesn’t take up any more room than my portable massage bed did, I find that it fits really well in my treatment room! 

It provides great leg room for ergonomics.

While comfort for the client is super important, don’t forget to look after yourself too as an etsy. I’m always looking for equipment and tools that’ll help me mitigate the risk of back aching, slouching, and that numbness that can strike you in your legs after a long day of work. The Milo has been a life-saver when it comes to this. 

And the grand finale… after many YEARS I’ve finally started to stand up during my services, sometimes I go back to sitting, but it is so nice to have the option.

There are so many pros to getting this treatment bed for your treatment room. Not only will you fall in love with it, but I promise, so will your clients! You can pick up your very own Milo here, I got mine in the beige color and it’s absolutely beautiful, I’m obsessed. 

Looking for other bed options? I also LOVE the Bale bed which has even more perks!

Let me know if you pick one up and if it’s a total game-changer for your treatment room like it has been for me. I hope this was a helpful resource for you if you’ve been searching and searching for the perfect treatment bed.

P.S. I have a full blog post about how to make your treatment bed the Kasey way, read about that here! I dive into why making your treatment bed is so important and all of the products I use to boost comfort for my clients. These tips will pair perfectly with your Milo or the Bale.

When shopping at Spa and Equipment, don't forget to use code KASEY for 5% off your order!

Until next time,




To hear more, tune into our podcast episode! 


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