Members First - Fist Dibs Launch
We are so excited to announce our very first, Members First product launch. WOOOOO! Okay, so what does that even mean? April 4th, we are launching our newest product, but here is the catch, only our Glow Skincare™ members are going to have access to shop for this amazing new product. First dibs! Of course, we will be offering this product to the public soon, but if you want it ASAP, (and for 10% off MSRP) you've gotta become a member. As always, we plan on continuing to give our members the most bang for their buck! So, if you still aren't a member, now is your time to sign up. These babies could go fast, so don't sleep on this launch. To learn more about our newest product, you can listen to this week's Skin and the City podcast episode HERE.
Thank you for all of your support! We hope you guys love this new product as much as we do.